Diablo Heroes Stats include Paragon Level

11 years ago

Diablo Heroes Stats such as Heroscore, DPS Unbuffed, EHP Unbuffed, etc have been updated and they are now include Paragon Level.

Each Paragon Level gives +3 primary stats, +1 secondary stats, +2 vitality and +3% magic/gold find.

Some people asking us why their DPS listed incorrectly.

Before comparing, please make sure that:
- follower is dismissed
- all passive skills that increase your DPS are disabled
- all active buffs are disabled

Please double-check that passive skills are disabled:
Demon Hunters - Archery
Wizards - Glass Cannon
Barbarians - Weapons Master

If there is still significant difference (no confirmed cases so far), please send email to admin[at]wowprogress.com including your battletag and DPS in-game.


  1. sflszyt
    Rating: [-][+]
    11 years ago
    Seriously EHP should be weighted more in 1.04. Everyone on the top of list is stacking his dps by equiping new legendary items and sacrificing defensive stats
  2. csanchez
    Rating: [-][+]
    11 years ago
    How do you change the region lock? its only showing my character from the US server, my mains are on Europe! csanchezolt#2870
  3. Kernel
    11 years ago
    At the moment we only update characters of level 55+.

    By the way, player profiles have been changed so that they will include characters from all areas.
    If you want to update your character list, press "Update Now" button on your profile.
  4. Mythblood
    Rating: [-][+]
    11 years ago
    Out of curiosity how are you getting the Paragon level? looking at the JSON spit back from the API calls to bnet I don't see it in the data.
  5. Kernel
    11 years ago
    Paragon levels are calculated from character stats.
  6. Mythblood
    Rating: [-][+]
    11 years ago
    Ah. That is super clever. Nice.
  7. Kieble
    Kieble Unyielding Valor
    Rating: [-][+]
    11 years ago
    How are you guys doing item Tooltips? Do you guys use someone elses pre-made JS/CSS or do you have your own?
  8. walentaz
    Rating: [-][+]
    11 years ago
    DPS should be calculated including passive skills, otherwise it is very confusing..
  9. Rehwyn
    Rating: [-][+]
    11 years ago
    No, they shouldn't. If passive skills were included, someone's rating would change when they switched to a build that included/excluded those passives. Moreover, someone could just load up with passive skills and artificially inflate their DPS.
  10. Aarondf2003
    Rating: +1 [-][+]
    11 years ago
    I agree, skill contributions should never be included. However, this site is STILL overlooking very important affixes from gear and not calculating them for the Heroscore. Currently we have to choose between our ranking or farming in what we know is a superior gear combination.
  11. Kernel
    11 years ago
    By the way, we are going to add movement speed and magic find to Heroscore.
  12. LashLash
    Rating: +1 [-][+]
    11 years ago
    Shouldn't there be separate Heroscores? One for Raw Power (the current heroscore), another for farming efficiency?

    So a separate Magic Find Heroscore = Heroscore*(1+MF)

    Gold Find Heroscore = Heroscore*(1+GF)
  13. Kernel
    11 years ago
    There are plans to make visual dps calculator which will include buffs.
  14. LashLash
    Rating: +1 [-][+]
    11 years ago
    Hi Kernel, I noticed that my +2 discipline regen from my legacy nat's set is visible, is this being considered for the Heroscore at the moment, or will it be in the future? What is your present equation like? One method I thought to consider it is to assume it is being used for Shadow Power with Gloom, and account for the average life steal and EHP bonus (this is the most common use of the extra discipline in battle in my experience and I think for others, and also fits well into your metric). All things being equal, without the set, you get 3 seconds of 65% damage reduction and 20% lifesteal every 14 seconds. With the set, you get 3 seconds of 65% damage reduction and 20% lifesteal every 4.67 seconds. So without the set, it is 3/14*(65% DR and 20% LS) = 13.9% DR and 4.29% LS on average. With the set, it is 3/4.67*(65% DR and 20% LS) = 41.76% DR and 12.85% LS on average. So with the set, it is a bonus 27.86% DR and 8.56% LS compared to without it. So your EHP should be multiplied by about 1.39.
  15. Kernel
    11 years ago
    I'm going to change Heroscore in future.
    Regarding +2 disc/sec, my current opinion is it should be equial to wearing Zunimassa boots.
    It seems that demon hunters sacrifice dps for this bonus, so this sacrificed dps should be compensated with something like +5-6% Elemental Damage and Attack Speed.
  16. LashLash
    Rating: +1 [-][+]
    11 years ago
    Well, using Nat's set increases your survivability, at the cost of DPS. The Heroscore metric should reflect this? Assuming it's the same as Zunimassa boots seems a bit weird.

    I get your point about sacrificied DPS, but calculating how much DPS should be lost is a bit weird, I would just incorporate it into your existing equation.

    I would think it would make more sense to give a 1.39 multiplier to your EHP, and add 8.55% Lifesteal in the heroscore calculation? I think that reflects the mechanics of the Nat's set, all things being equal across other Demon Hunters.

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