Who got World First Level 110?

7 years ago

The answer is: we don't know yet. The armory updated only some characters.
If you would like to watch current results, check Legion level 110 rankings

Please keep in mind that:
1. All times are GMT.
2. The armory might not be updated yet for some characters.
3. Level time comes from account-wide achievement. So only your first character will participate in this ranking.
4. Some level info comes from guild rosters and the level time is unknown. In this case update time will be used.

We are working on more site updates, stay tuned!

In the meantime please also check Character item level rankings.


  1. mugzura
    Pristsixa Mind Against
    Rating: +3 [-][+]
    7 years ago
    i`m can`t update my character
  2. Phantoms
    Rating: +1 [-][+]
    7 years ago
    same dude
  3. FXImodorox
    Rating: [-][+]
    7 years ago
    Working now!
  4. FXImodorox
    Rating: [-][+]
    7 years ago
    okay RIP again
  5. Darklegends
    Rating: +1 [-][+]
    7 years ago
    EU Armory not fully updated yet. Some players will take time to update. But the answer to who got world first 110 is Fragnance's Demon Hunter (Serenity) who hit 110 in 5 hours and 28 mins after launch
  6. soneil
    Rating: [-][+]
    7 years ago
    When I update my main character it's still showing pre-legion info. That might not be the fault of wowprogress though. When I click the link to go to my character's armory page it's still the old data there too.
  7. Demolished
    Rating: -4 [-][+]
    7 years ago
    The answer to who got world first was me, I hit max level within the first 30 seconds of content going live and what I did falls under creative use of game mechanics, I was not deleveled, and was not suspended. I am the Shamanmoose.
  8. DorkYO
    Rating: +2 [-][+]
    7 years ago
    LOL DEMO. You also successfully solo'd Mythic HFC for 13 weeks with 30 different characters, brought Nagrand Demolishers into Highmaul for progression kills, achieved world top ranks of paragon on Diablo 3 in multiple seasons through admitted botting, Carried one of the fastest 8/8 Gold Medal Challenge mode clears in the WORLD WITHOUT CM PORTS BETWEEN DUNGEONS, a healer or proper setup to do without, or enchanted gear, taking realm best times from a well-known world record holding CM group. Oops? I mean I could literally go on for days about you and your so-called "creative use of game mechanics" but I find it more hilarious that you'd come to wowprogress and post that you exploited to 110. Brilliant Demo, brilliant.
  9. FXImodorox
    Rating: [-][+]
    7 years ago
    Made my day :D
  10. Chilblane
    Rating: [-][+]
    7 years ago
    Armory appears to be updating
  11. Chilblane
    Rating: [-][+]
    7 years ago
    Er, only for characters that have been signed into in the new companion app I guess.
  12. FXImodorox
    Rating: +1 [-][+]
    7 years ago
    Armory Button is Missing now
  13. giomoblin
    Rating: [-][+]
    7 years ago
    Any plans with adding "lang_rank" to json output? Ex: http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/dun-modr/VaGRaNT+SToRY/json_rank vs http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/dun-modr/VaGRaNT+SToRY , in the html view we have the "ES:" rank, but it isn't in the json output.

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